December 31, 2024
It's a new issue! Number
35 of The Broken CityGreetings,
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming summer 2025 edition.

September 11, 2024
It's a new issue! Number
34 of The Broken CityDIYis now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming winter
2024 edition.

December 31, 2023
It's a new issue! Number
33 of The Broken CitySilver
and Other Screensis
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming summer 2024 edition.

September 25, 2023
It's a new issue! Number
32 of The Broken CityDragons
and wizards and elves, oh my!is now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming winter
2023 edition.

December 19, 2022
It's a new issue! Number
31 of The Broken CityThe
horror! The horror!is
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming summer 2023 edition.

October 7, 2022
It's a new issue! Number
30 of The Broken CityTwinkle,
twinkleis now
available for download on the Current Issue page. Also
head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming winter 2022 edition.

October 2, 2022
Our slightly-delayed
summer issue will be along shortly. In the meantime,
head to the Submissions page for details on our
upcoming winter 2022 edition.
December 31, 2021
It's a new issue! Number
29 of The Broken CitySo
this is Christmas?is
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming summer 2022 edition.

October 9, 2021
It's a new issue! Number
28 of The Broken CityBeach
Party Tonightis
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming winter 2021 edition. Two months to submit!

June 20, 2021
The submission window for
Issue 28 is closed; please stop sending us things.
Submitters will be contacted soon with news of
acceptance or rejection. Stay tuned to our Submissions
page for details on our Winter 2021 issue.
December 31, 2020
It's a new issue! Number
27 of The Broken CityI
Know What You Did Last Pandemicis now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming summer
2021 edition.

October 3, 2020
It's still summer, right?
Our summer issue, Number 26 of The Broken CityThe Wild Westis now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming winter
2020 edition.

September 1, 2020
Our summer issue will
arrive soon. In the meantime, head to the Submissions
page for details on our upcoming winter 2020 edition.
July 5, 2020
The submission window for
Issue 26 is closed; please stop sending us things.
Submitters will be contacted soon with news of
acceptance or rejection. Stay tuned to our Submissions
page for details on our Winter 2020 issue.
December 31, 2019
It's a new issue! Number
25 of The Broken CityWelcome
to The Interzoneis
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming summer 2020 edition.

October 8, 2019
It's a new issue! Number
24 of The Broken CityThe
social animalis
finally available for download on the Current Issue
page. Also head to our Submissions page for details on
our upcoming winter 2019 edition.

September 10, 2019
Update: The Broken
City's summer 2019 issue will be arriving in the
near future. It may be a fall issue. In the meantime,
head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming winter 2019 edition.
December 30, 2018
It's a new issue! Number
23 of The Broken City"a
series of tubes"is now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming summer
2019 edition.

October 16, 2018
It's a new issue! Number
22 of The Broken now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming winter
2018 edition.

September 20, 2018
While you're waiting on
our tardy summer issue (we don't want the good times
to end!), head to our submissions page to check out
the call for Issue 23. December 1 deadline.
August 12, 2018
Update: The Broken
City's summer 2018 issue will be arriving in the
near future. It may be a fall issue. We've been busy
skinny dipping and planning beer busts at the moon
January 11, 2018
It's a new issue! Number
21 of The Broken CityHurry!
Hard!is now
available for download on the Current Issue page. Also
head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming summer 2018 edition.

January 2, 2018
Weather Advisory: The
Broken City's winter 2017 issue has been
slightly delayed due to the extreme cold and a
software malfunction. It will be arriving soon.
August 31, 2017
It's a new issue! Number
20 of The Broken CityDeathis now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming winter
2017 edition.

June 6, 2017
The submission window for
Issue 20 has closed. Please stop sending us things;
we're busy stockpiling booze and fireworks for Canada
Day. Submitters will be contacted in the coming months
with news of acceptance or rejection.
December 30, 2016
It's a new issue! Number
19 of The Broken CityLife
of the Partyis
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming summer 2017 edition.

November 12, 2016
The submission window for
Issue 19 is closed. It's getting cold outside and
there was a draft coming in (we know, we've used that
pun before, but it's a good one). Submitters will be
contacted shortly with news of acceptance or
August 22, 2016
It's a new issue! Number
18 of The Broken CityBreakfast
Clubbed is
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming winter edition.

July 7, 2016
Issue 18 will be arriving
soon. In the mean time, check out the submissions page
for details on our upcoming winter 2016 issue: Life
of the Party.
December 31, 2015
It's a new issue! Number
17 of The Broken CityRemotely
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming summer edition.

November 1, 2015
The submission window for
Issue 17 is closed. It's getting cold outside and
there was a draft coming in. Submitters will be
contacted shortly with news of acceptance or
October 28, 2015
Submit to Issue
17. All your friends are doing it. We'll be
accepting submissions until November 1; you'll find
other pertinent details on the Submissions page of
this site.
August 15, 2015
It's a new issue! Number
16 of The Broken CityThe
truth is out thereis
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming winter edition.

July 24, 2015
Issue 16 will be arriving
soon. In the mean time, check out the submissions page
for details on our upcoming winter 2015 issue.
December 31, 2014
It's a new issue! Number
15 of The Broken CityThe
Big Chillis
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
Also head to our Submissions page for details on our
upcoming summer edition.

November 9, 2014
The submission window for
Issue 15 is closed. If you're looking for a way to
pass the time while you await your
acceptance/rejection letter, the magazine suggests you
read this splendid article: What Editors Want: A Must-Read for
Writers Submitting to Literary Magazines.
After that, why not
follow The Broken City on Twitter? You read
that correctly; the magazine finally opened a Twitter
account, and it needs friends. You'll find us listed
as @brokencitymag.
July 31, 2014
It's a new issue! Number
14 of The Broken CityAvast!is now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming winter

December 31, 2013
It's a new issue! Number
13 of The Broken CityTurn
on, tune inis
now available for download on the Current Issue page.
You can also read it on your mobile devices, via issuu.

December 6, 2013
The submission window for
Issue 13 is now closed. Please stop sending us things;
we're busy baking fruitcakes and reading poetry about
Steely Dan. Submitters will be contacted shortly with
news of acceptance or rejection.
November 1, 2013
Submit to Issue
13. All your friends are doing it. We'll be
accepting submissions until December 1; you'll find
other pertinent details on the Submissions page of
this site.
August 24, 2013
It's a new issue!
Number 12 of The Broken CityEat this magazine. is now available for
download on the Current Issue page. You can also read
it on your mobile devices, via issuu.

July 25, 2013
Issue 12 will be arriving
soon. In the mean time, check out the submissions page
for details on our upcoming winter 2013 issue.
May 11, 2013
The submission window for
the summer issue is closed. Submitters will be
contacted in a few weeks with news of acceptance or
rejection. Stay tuned to the Submissions page for
details on our upcoming winter 2013 issue.
March 8, 2013
The Broken City's
e-mail account was hacked last night; if you received
a message from the magazine that looks like spam, it
is. Delete it. Real e-mails from The Broken City
will always include witty banter.
December 31, 2012
It's a new issue!
Number 11 of The Broken CityReunionis now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming edition.

October 18, 2012
The Broken City:
interviewed. Check out the magazine's chat with Six Questions For...
and learn how you (yes, You!) can slip between our
covers. Countless valuable insights are revealed,
sentence after sentence!
August 16, 2012
It's a new issue!
Issue 10 of The Broken CityThe Futureis now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Also head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming editions.

June 2, 2012
The submission window for
Issue 10 is closed. Please stop sending things; we're
busy reading poetry about space ships and working on
our beach bodies. Submitters will be contacted in a
few weeks with news of acceptance or rejection.
May 14, 2012
The Broken City
is still accepting submissions for its upcoming issue,
The Future. Head to the Submissions page
for details. Deadline: June 1.
December 31, 2011
It's a new issue!
Issue 9 of The Broken CityThis is why I drinkis now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming summer
2012 issue: The Future.

November 8, 2011
The submission window for
Issue 9 is closed. Please stop sending things; we're
busy growing moustaches and stuffing our winter coats
with rejected poetry. Submitters will be contacted
within the next few weeks.
Stay tuned to the
Submissions page for details on our upcoming summer
2012 issue.
August 15, 2011
It's a new issue!
Issue 8 of The Broken CityReality bitesis now available for
download on the Current Issue page. Head to our
Submissions page for details on our upcoming winter
2011 issue: This is why I drink.

August 1, 2011
The Submissions page has
been updated with details on our upcoming winter 2011
issue: This is why I drink.
Commence submitting! The summer issue will be hitting
electronic newstands within the next couple of weeks.
June 16, 2011
The submission window for
Issue 8 has closed. Please stop sending things; we're
busy going to NXNE shows and building a stockpile of
fireworks for Canada Day. Submitters will be contacted
within the next few weeks with news of acceptance or
Stay tuned to the
Submissions page for details on our upcoming winter
2011 issue.
June 12, 2011
The Broken City
is still accepting submissions for its upcoming issue,
Reality Bites. Head to the Submissions page
for details.
January 31, 2011
A friendly
message from The Broken City: Do
not add The Broken City to your group
mailing lists. The magazine does not want to receive
news about your upcoming events or announcements that
your blog has been updated.
December 31, 2010
It's a new issue!
Issue 7 of The Broken CityFound!is now available for
download on the Current Issue page.

December 28, 2010
The Submissions page has
been updated with details on our upcoming summer 2011
issue: Reality bites.
Commence submitting!
November 15, 2010
The submission window for
Issue 7 closes at midnight EST tonight. Please stop
sending things; we're busy reading poetry and
sharpening skates. Submitters will be contacted within
the next few weeks with news of acceptance or
Stay tuned to the
Submissions page for details on our upcoming summer
2011 issue.
October 19, 2010
Toronto is almost upon us: Sunday, October 24, at The
Great Hall. The Broken City doesnt have a table (its
in the publics best interest; were not pleasant
people to chat with), but well be wandering around,
buying wicked merch and drinking beerassuming its provided. If
it isn't, we'll be the ones flipping tables.
Were still accepting
submissions for our upcoming issue (check out the
Submissions page)deadline is Nov. 15.
August 1, 2010
It's a new issue!
Issue 6 of The Broken CityStill Life, Fast
Movingis now
available for download on the Current Issue page.

July 18, 2010
The Submissions page has
been updated with details on our upcoming winter 2010
issue: Found! Commence submitting!
July 1, 2010
The submission window for
Issue 6 has closed. Please stop sending things; we're
busy reading poetry and celebrating Canada Day.
Submitters will be contacted within the next few weeks
with news of acceptance or rejection.
Stay tuned to the
Submissions page for details on our upcoming winter
2010 issue.
May 21, 2010
The Broken City
is still accepting submissions for its upcoming issue,
Still Life, Fast Moving. Head to the
Submissions page for details.
May 21, 2010
It's a new site! has undergone some serious
reconstruction. It is now a sparkling jewel of the
In this front page news
section, you'll discover up-to-date information on The
Broken City and also be made privy to
announcements and select tidbits of news from across
the literary landscape.